Iron Man, disappointment for fans: ''Tony's return is out of the question''


Image credit: Marvel Studios

The writers of Spider-Man: No Way Home are clear: Marvel does not intend to continue relying on Tony Stark.

According to the writers of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel has no plans to bring Downey Jr.'s Iron Man back to life.

The first was X-Men: Days of Future Past. The film had created an alternative timeline and reality to the facts shown up to that point in the films, greatly complicating matters for less attentive viewers. Then it was the turn of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Marvel who, with the "cinematic birth" of the multiverses, opened the way to infinite alternative realities to those told up to that moment. 

Only in this way were fans able to see the three Spider-Man on the same screen and at the same time. Marvel has already demonstrated with comics that from a theoretical point of view with the multiverses everything is possible: even resurrect characters beloved by fans, whose farewell - although long anticipated - has never been completely overcome. We are talking, of course, of the Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr.

On the subject, the writers of the last chapter of Spider-Man, Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, expressed themselves during an interview with The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith

"I honestly believe that this [the possibility of bringing Downey Jr.] is out of the question for Marvel, at least as far as we know. They just don't like to summon [Tony Stark] all the time. Sure, Tony's shadow showed up even after Avengers Endgame - and we dealt with that in Far From Home - but I think we all feel the same way: we can't continue to rely on Tony. "

The screenwriters wanted to tell another story, leaving space and centrality to another character, namely that of Aunt May. In fact, it is she who pronounces the famous aphorism - "From great powers comes great responsibility" - which makes Spider-Man responsible. 

According to the two writers, Tony's presence would not change anything: “The moral momentum of his [Peter Parker] life is May and for the first time he [Peter Parker] has been tested on the ability to truly behave following the code she taught him “.

Source: Comicbook
