Stranger Things 5: Could Vecna ​​be Eleven's father? A fan theory seems to prove it!


A podcast launched the sensational fan theory and evidence would support the thesis.

Image Credit: Netflix

Ifan of the series hazards a theory about Stranger Things 5, which, if true, would upset every mechanism: Vecna ​​would actually be the father of Eleven! To suggest for the first time a podcast entitled Just the Nobodys was published on TikTok. At first glance, the scenery seems pure suggestion and nothing else. Still, there is a fair amount of supporting evidence.

Stranger Things 5: the relationship between Vecna ​​and Undici

According to the Stranger Things 5 ​​thesis, Brenner was well aware that none of the two to ten children were as strong as the first. As a result, the doctor gave Uno time to grow up to reproduce with Terry Ives and thus give birth to Eleven, so that she was the strongest.

Terry Ives is the mother of the protagonist. In 1969, she joined the MKUltra project, under the supervision of Dr. Martin Brenner, where she underwent experiments involving psychedelic drugs, capable of altering the mind and stimulating the senses. In late 1970 (or early 1971) she became pregnant and in June 1971 she had a daughter named Jane. Which Brenner took, covering it all up as a miscarriage. Terry didn't fall for it and tried to reclaim her daughter by force but without success. Hence, Jane became Eleven, whose perception could radically change in Stranger Things 5.

According to the podcast, Brenner's efforts to clone 001 did not yield the desired results. As a result, he worked to get her (who would have turned 24 in 1971) to get Terry Ives pregnant in order to shape a superpowered creature.

This would actually explain why Brenner had a unique bond with Eleven from the start and considered it his "special project". Also, the way 001 told Eleven that “Dad” doesn't always tell the truth and seeing himself in her and knowing the key to unlocking the young woman's powers feeds the guesswork. Will they be correct? Only Stranger Things 5 ​​can answer us!
