The makers of Dhruva Nakshatram have given good news to the fans of Tamil star hero Vikram. In this movie, Rituvarma is acting in the female lead role. The film is produced by Gautham Vasudev Menon. Dhruva Nakshatra is buzzing with a new poster. Hero Vikram is acting in this film. Meanwhile, the makers have given an exciting update to Vikram's fans. The film will hit theaters on July 14.
After the post-production work is complete, the makers will soon release the new trailer. Aishwarya Rajesh, Simran, Radhika, and other actors are playing key roles in Dhruva Nakshatra. It is jointly produced under the banners of Ondraga Entertainment, Kondaduvom Entertainment, and Escape Artists Motion Pictures. Young music director Harish Jairaj is composing the music for Dhruva Nakshatra.