The Flash
The Flash: An editing error in the new international trailer for the new DC film The Flash may have revealed the villain's true identity and spoiled the film's key plot twist. The film, directed by Andy Muschietti, will debut in Italian cinemas on June 15, 2023.
[The following article may contain possible spoilers about The Flash. We, therefore, advise against continuing reading to those who do not want a preview of the plot of the film.]
In the new trailer, we see many new scenes, including an animated speech between Barry Allen and the alternate version of him, both played by Ezra Miller. Barry says "Whatever we do, we can never fix it", while the alternate version of him replies "No, nobody dies!". In the Italian version of the trailer, this looks like a simple scene between the two Barrys, but in the international version, there is an element not digitally removed that could spoil a key element of the film.
In fact, as you can see in the image below, in the international version of the trailer the other Barry has a pointed scale on his shoulder not present in the Italian (or English) one. This element not removed by mistake has made many fans think that the alternative Barry Allen will transform into the villain of the film: Dark Flash, who in the next scene we see attacking Michael Keaton's Batman Batwing.
Although there was never a direct mention of the character in the marketing campaign of the film, the merchandising associated with it has already revealed the design of the character with action figures and Funko Pop. The spiky element we see on the other Barry's shoulder appears to be an unremoved CGI element of Dark Flash's costume.
This wouldn't be the first time that an international trailer or social spot has spoiled elements intentionally hidden by the trailers. Just think of the Spider-Man: No Way Home commercial which featured extra frames at the end that showed us the Lizard collecting a fault from an invisible character. In that case, that space was occupied by Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, digitally removed from the trailer to avoid revealing crucial elements of the film.
In the film, worlds will collide when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time and change the events of the past. But when an attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry is trapped in a reality where General Zod has returned, threatening destruction, and with no Super Hero to turn to.
Barry's only hope is to bring a decidedly different Batman out of retirement to save an imprisoned Kryptonian…. although he is no longer the one he is looking for. Ultimately, to save the world he finds himself in and return to the future he knows, Barry's only hope is to 'run for his life'. But will this ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe?