Kora: There is now a full demand for action genre and period drama films across Pan India. At such a time, another action movie is coming out from Kannada. Directed by Oratasri, the film titled ‘Kora’ stars Tsunami Kitty. Charisma and P. Murthy play the lead roles in this film. Dr. A.B. Nandini, A.N. Balaji, and P. Murthy have produced this film under the banners of Sri Lakshmi Jyothi Creations and Ratnamma Movies. The posters and glimpses released so far have increased the expectations of Kora.
Recently, Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi released the teaser of this movie on social media and congratulated the team. Now, if you see the teaser of Kora, you will have to stand on your toes. Kora has been released like a proper Pan-Indian movie with high-intensity action sequences. The visuals, camera work, RR, and action sequences shown in the teaser will be an eye feast for the mass audience. The makers will soon announce the release date of this film. Selvam Mathappan is working as the cinematographer for this film.. BR Hemanth Kumar is composing the music. K. Girish Kumar is working as the editor.